Fresh install - OSX

As a reminder to my future self, here is my personal recipe for new fresh install

Jan 01, 2021 · 248 words

As a reminder to my future self, here is my personal recipe for new fresh install. Yes it looks like holiday is a great time to update OSX to the new and shiny one.

Install OSX - then re-install OSX

Format the hard drive with Disk Utility between the 2 installs โŒ˜ + R on startup

Get .dotfile and .ssh keys

From only you know where :-) and set right permissions

Sync iCloud


Remap capslock and alt+tab

  1. Open System Preferences โ†’ Keyboard.
  2. Shortcuts, Keyboard, Move focus to next window set alt+tab
  3. On Keyboard, Click the Modifier Keys button in the bottom right-hand corner.
  4. Click the drop down box next to the hardware key that you’d like to remap, and select Escape.
  5. Click OK and close System Preferences.

In Mac App Store

Install MacPort

Install softs

sudo port install tig
sudo port install hugo
sudo port install woff2


Install fish

sudo port install fish

Git config

touch ~/.gitignore
 git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
