Now ⏲️

What’s up for me NOW

Having a “now” page has become a new standard in the indie web community. I find it quite useful as a complement to the about page.


I am still the proud co-founder of Antistatique, now with a more defined role: I have taken on the official position of CEO and am responsible for managing half of our client portfolio. My responsibilities include overseeing web strategy and providing advice to both our clients and team. I am particularly involved in sustainability, data privacy, accessibility, and usability of our deliverables. I enjoy working on high-traffic websites, mainly those focused on knowledge sharing or service orientation (such as schools, cities, states, hospitals, etc.). Since 2019, I have been teaching a laboratory course in the Media Engineering section at HEIG-VD school, with a focus on technological watchfulness as the main topic. I thoroughly enjoy helping students gain perspective in our field.


My concern for the future is growing. A real transition is necessary (we’ve never undergone a true transition before). There are so many challenges, and I understand that I, like everyone, must play a part. I am acutely aware of my highly privileged perspective as an educated white male from a wealthy country.

Our industry also needs a total transition. I welcome every piece of technology that challenges, simplifies, and questions the need for more. I am fascinated by understanding why we invent and how needs evolve around new technologies, or how sometimes the real need for them is never questioned.

updated end of 2023